6 year old Benji was referred to School-Home Support practitioner Mike due to serious concerns around Benji’s attendance and housing situation. Benji and his mum Helen were living in temporary hostel accommodation that had limited cooking facilities, no TV and only a shared sleeping space. The family were in a substantial amount of debt, adding even more pressure to the family’s difficult situation.
The hostel was 3 bus journeys away from Benji’s school, and would take over 2 hours each way. Because of the difficult journey and the pressures of their temporary living situation, Benji’s school attendance had fallen to just 24%. Benji’s mum Helen struggled to engage with his school, and would often ignore calls or take a defensive stance when questioned by school staff about Benji’s attendance and punctuality.
How did School-Home Support help?
Mike first referred the family to the local borough Housing office to support them to find more permanent housing and set up a housing debt support plan. Mike also referred the family to Crisis due to their current situation in the hostel.
To support Helen with getting Benji to school, Mike worked with her on morning routines so they could be ready for the commute, as well as using the School-Home Support Welfare Fund to buy monthly travel passes to relieve the pressure of extra travel costs. In addition Mike was able to purchase Benji a new uniform.
Mike was able to build trust with Helen, speaking to her daily, reducing her anxious feelings around Benji’s schooling by making sure to text before phoning to ensure she knew he was going to call. He liaised with the school attendance lead to ensure they were also kept in the loop about the family’s situation.
Through the referral to Crisis, the family were allocated a new home, which is much more secure, and is only a 20 minute bus journey from Benji’s school. He is now attending school much more regularly. His attendance has increased to 82%, and is now much more engaged in school. Mike is continuing to work with the family to improve punctuality, and get to 100% attendance one week at a time.
“I’m trying to get things right for my baby but sometimes it’s hard to do it when everything else in your life is going wrong. Thanks for listening and not judging me.” – Helen (Benji’s mum)