Today’s Education Select Committee report brings us one step closer to a more nuanced system to help schools support families struggling with absence and help rebuild the bridge between home and school, which is so crucial when tackling absence well.
The Education Select Committee’s call for attendance mentors to be rolled out nationally and include whole family support will be a lifeline, particularly for communities with the highest rates of absence. We urgently need investment in support around schools to tackle the gaps in family support and other services.
The absence crisis will take a huge multi agency effort to resolve. Today’s report is a pivotal moment in helping to put a support-led approach to tackling absence at the heart of the education system.
Jaine Stannard, School-Home Support CEO, calls ‘For Government to respond quickly and wisely to the report. Investment in family support to improve attendance around schools offers a great return on investment. Failing to invest now will damage children’s education for good and our economy in the long term.’