LGBTQ+ Champions: building a more inclusive workplace

It’s been six months since we appointed School-Home Support’s first LGBTQ+ Champions, and we wanted to take the opportunity to reflect on the progress and achievements we have made during that time.

4 September 2023
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Pride Month 2024 (2)

So, what have we been up to?


February 2024

We marked LGBT+ History month this year by launching School-Home Support’s new LGBTQ+ Champions!

We introduced the LGBTQ+ Question Box, an anonymous space for School-Home Support employees to share any questions they may have, and/or leave feedback on what they would like to see from their LGBTQ+ Champions.

March/April 2024

We began a review of the organisation’s Inclusive Language Guide. We reminded and encouraged colleagues to add their pronouns to our new website, and their email signatures.

May 2024

We held our first LGBTQ+ Lunch & Learn session, focusing on the overlap between LGBTQ+ themes and schools, young people and policy in the UK. 

June 2024

We hosted a Team Lunch (Pride Edition) with colleagues from our Central Team, during which we discussed what Pride means to us and reflected on the changes in tolerance and understanding of LGBTQ+ experiences in the workplace.

We collaborated with our new SEN Lead to share resources about the intersection of SEN and LGBTQ+ for children.


We wrapped up the review of our Inclusive Language Guide, and along with our newly created Pronoun Guide, we worked with our CEO/HR department to ensure both Guides are now mandatory elements of the onboarding process for new hires. 

We also took part in some professional development / extended learning, attending webinars to best inform our activity including Inclusive Companies ‘What’s next? Proactive Approaches to Strengthen LGBTQ+ Inclusion Beyond Pride Month.’

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Meet our LGBTQ+ Champions

Our LGBTQ+ Champions play a crucial role in supporting and advocating for organisational change that benefits individuals’ whole identity as lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, or other non-heteronormative identities, creating a more inclusive environment for everyone.