
School-Home Support provides a vital platform for professionals from different sectors delivering family support to review and reflect on performance, get support and improve practice. Supervisions also serve as a valuable opportunity for staff to explore the emotions stirred by their work and receive essential case direction.
Two women sit together on a sofa talking.

What is it?

Supervision is a process of professional support and learning which enables professionals to develop knowledge and competencies to meet organisational, professional and personal objectives. The process allows staff to assume responsibility for their own practice and to provide a better service for the children, young people and families they work with.

These sessions are independent and neutral. They offer a confidential space, ensuring privacy and openness to discuss concerns, new ideas and performance.

Our unique offering extends to case supervision, bringing a fresh perspective to each situation. Tailored to those who lack the time or expertise to support their staff adequately, these supervisions prioritise objectivity and constructive feedback.

Three adults in a learning setting like a supervision

Who is it for?

External supervisions are available to school staff and professionals in the education and any other services that work with young people, vulnerable families and complex cases. 

If you or your team require a safe space to offload, seek support and guidance, and reflect on your cases while being true to yourselves, our supervisions are designed for you.

How does it work?

Our supervisions offer a flexible and effective means of professional development. Every participant benefits from the experience in unique ways, contributing to individual and collective growth. This service is available online or face-to-face.

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Research has demonstrated that high quality casework supervision delivers:

The 4 key functions of supervision are as follows:


This ensures competent and accountable performance from professionals to ensure a quality of service within legislation, codes of standards and ethics and includes:


  • Time management 
  • Setting professional boundaries and standards 
  • Alignment with the wider team and organisational goals and required standards
  • Appropriate and manageable caseload


This ensures professionals recognise their strengths and weaknesses and are supported in developing new and existing knowledge, skills and values as part of a team. This function includes:


  • Managing safeguarding casework
  • Managing equality, diversity and inclusion 
  • Identifying training and development needs and encourage mutual learning and development within the team
  • Developing an understanding preferred learning style and any blocks you may encounter at work 


This provides professionals a space to explore feelings and emotions in relation to their work, feel valued as a person as well as worker and ensure that any connected welfare issues are considered and addressed. This function includes:


  • Creating a safe and supportive environment in which to explore difficult and challenging work, particularly in relation to safeguarding
  • Exploring the emotional impact of safeguarding work
  • Being alert to and responding to indicators of stress and exploring whether external support is necessary
  • Build purposeful, professional relationships and communicate effectively


This provides the opportunity to engage the practitioner with the organisation and provide mediation as required. This can include:


  • Consulting and briefing professionals about organisational developments or information relating to safeguarding
  • Dealing sensitively with any appropriate concerns or complaints about different situations at work and assisting through this process


This ensures competent and accountable performance from professionals to ensure a quality of service within legislation, codes of standards and ethics and includes:


  • Time management 
  • Setting professional boundaries and standards 
  • Alignment with the wider team and organisational goals and required standards
  • Appropriate and manageable caseload


This ensures professionals recognise their strengths and weaknesses and are supported in developing new and existing knowledge, skills and values as part of a team. This function includes:


  • Managing safeguarding casework
  • Managing equality, diversity and inclusion 
  • Identifying training and development needs and encourage mutual learning and development within the team
  • Developing an understanding preferred learning style and any blocks you may encounter at work 


This provides professionals a space to explore feelings and emotions in relation to their work, feel valued as a person as well as worker and ensure that any connected welfare issues are considered and addressed. This function includes:


  • Creating a safe and supportive environment in which to explore difficult and challenging work, particularly in relation to safeguarding
  • Exploring the emotional impact of safeguarding work
  • Being alert to and responding to indicators of stress and exploring whether external support is necessary
  • Build purposeful, professional relationships and communicate effectively


This provides the opportunity to engage the practitioner with the organisation and provide mediation as required. This can include:


  • Consulting and briefing professionals about organisational developments or information relating to safeguarding
  • Dealing sensitively with any appropriate concerns or complaints about different situations at work and assisting through this process

Ready to elevate your team’s professional practice?

Contact us today to find out more about our supervision package.

A mother and child drawing together.

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