Trusts and Foundations

Help for persistently absent children is needed now

Helping persistently absent children to be in school, ready to learn is what we do at School-Home Support. Educational inequality cannot be solved in the classroom alone. That’s why we work with the whole family to build resilience, restore the bridge between home and school and ensure children’s wellbeing and education is prioritised.
Help for persistently absent children though trusts and foundations
Help for persistently absent children - girls in school

We need your support to help persistently absent children

Grants from trusts and foundations contribute a significant part of School-Home Support’s income and we simply couldn’t help persistently absent children without this support.

Many of our trust and foundation partners provide School-Home Support with unrestricted, multi-year grants so that we can use our funding where it is needed most, plan for the future, and develop our work to meet children’s and families changing needs.

Our trust partners also provide grants to deliver specific projects that align with their aims and objectives and in certain locations.

Trusts currently fund some of our work across London, Kent, Eastbourne, Manchester, Bradford, Blackpool, and Liverpool. 

We are also looking for partners to help us launch new programmes in Sheffield, Nottingham and Birmingham so we can reach more children and families and provide essential help and support for persistently absent children.

What trusts and foundations can expect when partnering with us


We want trusts and foundations to be our partners, not just our funders. If you partner with School-Home Support you can expect the following:

Help to achieve your aims and objectives

We can help trusts and foundations achieve their aims and objectives around improving children’s life chances.

Bespoke reporting

We prepare bespoke reports for our trust and foundation partners so they know how their support is making a difference. We will demonstrate the impact of your support clearly and transparently. One of the ways we measure the impact of our programmes is by the percentage of children who improve their attendance at school, and we can tell you how many extra days children have spent in school thanks to your support.

We will also share stories of the actual children and families your grant has helped, how School-Home Support has helped them, and specific information about the work you’re funding.

Project visits

Trusts and foundations can visit the schools we are based in so they can meet School-Home Support Practitioners and see how they work first-hand.

Event invitations

We invite trusts and foundations to an exclusive programme of events throughout the year, both online and in person, so they can see the impact of their support, meet key people, and celebrate the work they make happen.

Meetings with our Chief Executive and other staff

We can arrange for trust and foundation partners to meet directly with our Chief Executive or specialist members of our team so they can find out more about School-Home Support and our work to get children back into school.

Requests for your help and expertise 

Many of our trust and foundation partners have significant experience and expertise in our sector and we sometimes ask partners to get involved with consultations for our strategy development, new programmes, or other areas of our work.


The Pears Foundation

Partners Spotlight


Pears Foundation has been a tremendously generous and long-term funding partner, supporting School-Home Support with unrestricted funding since 2012.

Over the past ten years, funding from the Pears Foundation has helped School-Home Support invest in our essential functions, and plan for our development and growth to reach more children and families across the country. Unrestricted funding is often the hardest to secure but without it, we could not reach any of the children and young people we support.

‘Investment in core functions is essential for any organisation to be resilient, responsive and to grow. Our grant to School-Home Support is unrestricted so that they can continue to provide the best possible interventions to help children learn and thrive’ 


Kari Holtung, Programme Director, Pears Foundation

‘We very much value the support of the Pears Foundation, particularly in providing unrestricted funding which we can use towards our core costs. Thank you so much to the Pears Foundation for over ten years of support!’



Jaine Stannard, Chief Executive, School-Home Support

Meet some of our existing partners

Thank you so much to all of our trust and foundation partners who help us to get children back into school and ready to learn, whatever it takes. We could not deliver our work without you.

We would love to hear from you

Find out more about supporting School-Home Support to deliver essential help for persistently absent children through your trust or foundation. 

Fill in the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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